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MEANING OF NAME: Jehovah is high or my God 

HIS JOY: His good personality earned him admiration and corporation from his fellow Israelites during his ministry.

HIS REGRET: His two sons let him down by their low quality characters.


Eli, a Levi, was from the family of Ithamar. He served as the priest and a high judge of Israel for about 40years.

Though Eli himself was a good man, his two sons were not. Yet He made them occupy the Priestly positions. And when they went wrong, Eli would only warn them. He did not rebuke them. 

Eli paid deerly for lack of proper parental control when his two sons were slaid in the battle with the Philistines, where the Israelites also lost the ark.

Eli, on hearing this, fell over his back and died breaking his neck. And because that Glory was departed from Israel, Eli's daughter-in-Law  named the son she immediately brought forth, " Ichabod " which means, " without Glory ".


I Sam. 1–4; 14:3
