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  MEANING OF NAME : Drawn forth or taken out of water. PROFILE OR CHARACTER : historian, orator, leader, statesman, legislator and a patriot. REGRET : Moses could not enter the promised land. JOY : Not only did he successfully bring out the Israelites from Egypt, but he had the privilege to be called, " Friend of God."  STORY IN BRIEF:   MOSES, a son of Jechrobe and Amram, and the last of Aeron and Miriam. Moses was born at the time Pharaoh ordered that all Israelites young males be killed. So her mum had to preserve him till she was ordered to go leave him at the bank of a river. Pharaoh's daughter who later found Moses in a basket on the river, cared for him in their palace through his maturity. God would later call Moses by the burning bush and task him to lead out the Israelites out of Egypt.  Moses did not only achieve that but also successfully brought his followers out through the red sea. Moses was burried by God in Moab, at the summit of Nebo's mountain whe...




" Keep thy heart with all diligence; For out of it are the issues of life."
Proverbs  4:23. KJV.

Lot of the things christians are surrounded by today in this world, chiefly the social media, are not helpful. It is the reason why our opening verse suggests that we guard our hearts.

Now, the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart. And these spoken words go a long way to shape our lives. It's therefore patent that we can only let out good words when we first stock our hearts with positive information and faith-filled words.

The two main gateways to the heart are the eyes and the ears. Now, guarding the heart means preventing negative information from reaching it through these main channels. That means, friends and environments that pose as potential threats to the peace, joy and love in our hearts must be barred.

 Disclosed below are a few ways by which we can keep our hearts as we journey through this world.

1. Mind your Mind:
"A good man produces good out of the good storeroom of his heart. An evil man produces evil out of the evil storeroom, for his mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart." Luke 6:45.
The mind has a link with the heart. The two are often used interchangeably in the Bible; they are synonymous. Words produced by our thoughts are stored in the heart. But the mouth serves as an exit to all there is in the heart; This is how connected the three are. Now, the words we repeatedly speak, we also hear ourselves, and they have great impacts on us. So you see, we should not just guard ourselves against the words of others; we must mind our minds. Then, we would not hear ourselves speaking negative words to our own hearing.

2. Be selective with the Media ( TV, radio, and online social platforms ):

" [I am writing about] what existed from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life..." 1 John 1:1
Can you see the LIGHT in this verse? That which the writer heard, saw and looked at, from the beginning, he also finally touched; What he always saw and heard manifested before them in the end !
That is the Law of Attraction. And it states that whatever we give our focus to, including the social media, can be attracted into our lives. They first come to settle in the heart which is the final destination of everything the media also offers, whether they are garbages or goodies. In fact, the media is largely responsible for most immoralities today. Thus, we need to sieve the information we read, see and view, on these social sites so we can let into the the heart only that which pleases God. 

3. Choose your friends; do not let them choose you. 

" Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character." 
1 Corinthians 15:33
The scripture here rightly suggests that we have the right to choose and unchoose our friends. 
Just like the social media, our friends can be influential by their thoughts and information. So we need to make our choices with precision; Friends also have the ability to attract certain things into our lives - Jonathan benefitted from David; Portifar was blessed by Joseph's presence in his house; Naaman profited from his Israel servant.  It is better to keep a few positive or God-fearing associates than have many with deferring beliefs.

A person of too many friends comes to ruin, But there is a friend who sticks closer  than a brother. -  Proverbs 18:24.

4. Watch and Pray.

"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation..." Matthew 26:41. 
During our tough times we are tempted to give up on God so we may give in to the world. Yet the Bible says, men always ought to pray and not to faint - Luke 18:1.
By our prayers, God re-conditions our Spirits. He ably replaces our old, polluted hearts with new ones. Did He not say it in Ezekiel 36:26? That is not all; God by His own ways, helps us preserve our hearts too. He can dispel the agents of negative information from our hearts and attract unto us only carriers of the positives. Yet all these must be triggered by prayers. 

Beloved, the most reliable way of keeping the heart among all of these is yielding it to The Lord. This is why He says, "My son, give me your heart..." Proverbs 23:26.
Rather than trusting men, God actually wants us to trust Him alone with our hearts. For cursed is anyone who trusts in men.
( Jeremiah 17:5 )
