"And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding."
Daniel 9:22 KJV
Our verse here lets us know that Daniel received some divine secrets from God through His angel. But how else can we obtain revelations from God? This second PART of the subject enlightens us on the ways by which we access the LIGHTS of God.
"When you come, bring the bookcase and the books that I left in Troas with Qarpus, especially the parchment scrolls." 2 Timothy 4:13
By this verse, we understand the secret behind Pauls depth in God; Paul read stories of Bible figures; He studied the Law; He acquainted himself with the promises of God, and heard the Words of our Lord Jesus as narrated by his disciples. He even made notes, kept the books and meditated upon them constantly for Lights. Paul only taught after he had studied long enough to receive some revelations. No wonder, God wrought special miracles by his Hands. And his teachings? Extraordinary ! Now, we are privileged to have these sermons on digital platforms. As we make the most of these technological advancements, studying diligently like Paul, his kind of rewards would be our portions too - God is no respector of person.
( Acts 19:11 , Romans 2:11 & 2 Timothy 2:15 )
2. The Presence of God
"... In your Light do we see LIGHT." Psalm 36:9.
The Bible says, God is not just a Light Himself; He gives us this LIGHT when we approach Him too. We enter his court with a grateful heart, worshipping and praising Him for His LOVE. Before long, the Holy Spirit launches us into the inner court where physical distractions are hardly noticed. Now, conversation must have been sparked. God talks back to us as we talk to Him. And we may see in part because we are still just halfway through. It is the stage where He starts granting us new Lights on the scriptures we already know. But what actually dominate this stage are the signs or languages of the angels. When we continue long enough but heartedly, the Spirit further pushes us into the last court - the Holy of Holies. It is that moment where you no longer feel the impact of your senses. You do not hear the phone ring, the door knocked nor the voice of a neighbor calling. You are with the celestials now. Unlike the preceding stage, His voices and visions are not faint or flashy; you see or hear more clearly. He also gives you deep divine understanding of the times, events or experiences and the scriptures; Daniel was a man of prayer. Paul always prayed in the Spirit. David was an addicted worshipper - the three were marvelously filled with revelations in their days. When we carry and practise God's presence as shown here, we would constantly flow in LIGHT ! ( 1 John 1:5, 1 Chronicles 16, Daniel 6:10-7, & 2 Corinthians 14:18)
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." Matthew 5:8.
Seeing God equals accessing His LIGHT. Yet this is reserved for only those that maintain purity in heart.
Before we have our own experiences, we must first get the ticket that qualifies us into the kingdom as witnesses by becoming born again. After rebirth, we need to observe to do His word through the help of His Spirit. His word also must we constantly feed on as that would keep us sanctified from deviations. This is the life that guarantees the breaking forth of LIGHT. Again the Bible says, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Proverbs 9:10.
Daniel, a loyal and God-fearing servant had skills and understanding. Joseph eschewed the evil of sleeping with his master's wife, and God granted him revelations. Indeed, "The secret of the LORD is for those who fear Him,... " Psalm 25:14.
( John 3:3,5, Deuteronomy 281-2 & John 15:3 )
Now, "Arise! Shine! For your light arrives! The splendor of the LORD shines on you!" Psalm 60:1.
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