1 Samuel 15:22 KJV .
Our preliminary article has established that of all the weapons, including prayer, praise/worship, knowledge and faith, obedience is the greatest. Faith is proved by obedience. As the popular adage is, ” practice makes perfect.”, so knowledge itself is also not complete without obedience. Prayer, praise and worship are all forms of sacrifices, yet God says obedience is better than them all. Today’s piece reveals why Obedience is God’s number one !
As quiet as obedience is, it remains the loudest tone of faith amongst prayer, praise and worship. The three Hebrew boys had not even the slightest hint of deliverance from God if they disobeyed the king’s orders.But their faith-oriented obedience was voiceferous in the ears of God ! How about Daniel, Job and Joseph? They equally had no tangible sign of God’s presence yet their continued obedience saved them ! Beloved, faith is expressive but obedience is not because it is powerful in itself; what fast or prayers could not offer, obedience would. However, the extent to which we obey God determines the amount of POWER we wield !
Now, obedience is not only powerful but also fiery – it is a good servant but a bad master. Same Power that enthroned Saul dethroned him when he disobeyed ! If Ananias and his wife obeyed they would enjoy. But for disobedience, they were killed by God’s Power contained in Peter. Prophet Isaiah says, ” If ye be willing and obedient,you shall eat the good of the land. But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.” Isaiah 1:19-20(KJV). Apparently, obedience serves right but when we do not obey, it ( our disobedience) becomes a troubling master !
By strength no man prevails – 1 Samuel 2:9; God does not expect us to excel in obedience by our physical strength. He rather suggests that we constantly ponder over His Words. Then, His Spirit whom He has already deposited in us would help us live them out. And to keep obeying, there is the need for a prayerful, praiseful life as well; prayer and praise are preservatives of obedience. They require purity, and as such serve as checks to obedience. Remember Daniel? His prayerfulness helped him obey God to the end ! Likewise Jesus ! – Joshua 1:8, 1 Timothy 4:15, Ezekiel 36:27 & Matthew 26:41.
Moses would overcome his fear of being attacked for murdering, obeying God’s instructions to go back and lead His people out of Egypt. Naman, a proud military officer, decided to rather humbly obey so he could be healed of leprosy. Isaac shunned his starving belly to obey God when he was asked never to step in Egypt during the farmine. Beloved, like these elders, let us chose obedience over the quests of the flesh. what great honour await us who follow these elders ! Glory to God ! ( 1 Samuel 2:30 ).
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