God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night.
Genesis 1:16
There are two major sources of God’s Word – the scriptures and the direct Voice of God ! Whereas the former of these sources is limited or general, the latter is specific, more empowering, and most reliable. Apparently, the Voice of God is the greater of these two Lights. Not so, Peter wouldn’t conclude, ” We have a more sure of Word of prophecy”, referring to God’s Voice that had come to them on the Mount ( 2 Peter 1:19). But why is His Voice so indispensable? Let’s find out !
Inherent in His voice is the Spirit of Faith that comes to replace fear, dissipate darkness, and strengthen the weak. This Voice is self-reliant, forceful and fiery. It lifts up the seated back on his feet, and the one that already walks, it puts on the run ! Remember how The Spirit of this Voice lifted Ezekiel back on His feet while He spoke to Him. Paul himself did no further consultations with flesh and blood on hearing God ! I always find myself suddenly obeying His Voice without knowing it too. God’s Voice isn’t a mere compromisable instruction, revelation or warning; it requires no struggling effort from the hearer in order to manifest itself. Even before God speaks, He makes available the material of His Voice. So don’t wait for Him to land while He speaks to you. Start watching out for your testimonies because the evidence of His voice is already in existence around you ! His voice shapes, repostions and makes happen; contained in this Voice is that zeal, power, and passion that makes us become what He speaks to us ! His voice is self-sufficient !
( Ezekiel 2:2, Galatians 1:16)
” The voice of the LORD is upon the waters: the God of glory thundereth: the LORD is upon many waters.” Psalm 29:3.
The above verse lays emphasis on the written word as the major bait for God’s Voice. Same is seen in Psalm 23:2, when the Psalmist says, ” He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,”.
But God’s written word is likened to water in Ephesians 5:26. So it goes to say that God’s Voice, whether thunderous or still and soft, is mostly heard while meditating on His written words. John, however, heard God’s Voice when he was in the Spirit – Revelation 1:10. Until we die to self and become alive to God’s Spirit, we cannot hear Him – It’s the reason we fast. That way, the Human Spirit gains ascendancy over the flesh. Three more basic ways of obtaining God’s Voice are through prayers, worship, and praises. The Lord does not only inhabit our praises; He also causes His voice to be heard as we praise Him ! ( Isaiah 30:29-30). Let me sharply expound that just as an experienced casier can easily detect counterfeit note, so it is that a matured believer can easily identify the Father’s voice, and differentiate it from a stranger’s voice. Jesus said so but in different words – My sheep hear my voice. ( John 10:27). The only way to mastering the Voice of God is by keeping a continued, but more intimate relationship with Him !
When we approach Him, He either offers us His vision, insight or Voice; hearing God matters when it comes to walking with Him; But here’s The Lord saying, ” Be careful therefore how you hear…” – Luke 18:18. He likes us to consider the source of these voices so what we hear is neither from our flesh nor from the devil, but from Him alone; The Lord wants us to consider how often we hear because The Spirit is always saying something. Praise God !
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