" Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's WILL is." Ephesians 5:17.
The WILL of God is basically WHAT God wants us to do or say at a point in time. It is also HOW He likes us to do or say WHAT He wants us to do or say.
The WHAT refers to the OPTION He wants us to pick out of the lot; the HOW stands for the WAY or METHOD by which we carry out His recommended OPTION.
The Lord Jesus, God's Living WILL , did not say He is The WAY and The TRUTH only. He actually said, " I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and THE LIFE..." John 14:6.
So you see, God's WILL is beyond WHAT and HOW. It includes THE LIFE as well. God's WILL also shows us the lifestyle He wants us to live. And that, definitely must be His Life as lived by The Lord, Jesus , during His earthly Ministry !
Immediately following are explanations on the two classifications of God's WILL - His GENERAL WILL and SPECIFIC WILL:
God's GENERAL WILL is God's plan or purpose recorded on the pages in the Bible. This applies to all christians, anywhere and at anytime - God never changes His GENERAL WILL. The greater mastery we have over the Bible, the greater our knowledge of His GENERAL WILL we have.
God's SPECIFIC WILL, however, is His Word, spoken or shown, by His Voice or His Vision to a person in his or her perculiar situation at a time. Unlike His GENERAL WILL, His SPECIFIC WILL cannot be found directly from His written Word. It is rather obtained through His voices and visions. And often, we later find scriptures in support of it. Sometimes, we rather receive His SPECIFIC WILL by the written words or upon them - which is why we also say the SPECIFIC is an extension of the GENERAL.
Let us now delve further into identifying how and where we access The WILL of GOD.
This involves praising God and conversing with Him - Praying. We must not only spend quality time in His presence. We should also carry this same divine atmosphere of His about, and always remain conscious of it. Then, we can be sure of having a 24-hour access to His leadings - His voices, visions and revations.
( Revelation 1:10 & Galatians 1:11-12 )
The voice of God may be audible or still quiet in our Spirits; His visions, crystal clear or flashy through the Spirit. That is not all. The Lord even uses His creatures and other circumstances to communicate His WILL. But the devil, knowing this, often replicates Him to us.
Hence, in order not to miss Him, or mistake anything else for His guide, we should always be at His feet - by regularly attending church services and through constant private Fellowships. Then, we can get acquainted with His directions. For the sheep knows the voice of their shepherd - John 10:14.
Walking with God actually implies following Him and agreeing to His orders - God first shows us His WILL and expects that we comply, rather than we offering Him our ways for His approval.
( John 6:38 )
Jesus said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. What this means is that He Himself is the living Word. Yes, The Word of God is the very basic but easy-to-find WILL of God. ( 2 Timothy 3:16, John 14:6 )
In fact, before we go seeking His Voice or Vision on any perculiar matter, we must first find from His Word what He says to such.
Afterall, God's revelation would always align with the written Word because He never changes.
So the only time we should seek a SPECIFIC WILL from Him is when His written Word does not reveal anything particular pertaining the particular situation we find ourselves inn.
Moreover, the scriptures serve as prerequisites to Knowing God's SPECIFIC WILL because the Lord thunders upon the waters - Psalms 29:1. Hence, the need for having an in-depth knowledge of His written words first.
Let us understand that counsels and prophecies obtained outside the preceding disclosed channels, irrespective of the giver's title and experiences, are not conclusive themselves. We must still judge their aptness through Fellowship - ( 2 Corinthians 13:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 1 John 4:1 &
2 Timothy 2:15 )
Beloved, it is not enough doing God's WILL as and when He wants it; it is much more rewarding doing it with UNDERSTANDING !
And here is the UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S WILL. It is hard replacing our WILL with that of God. But the moment we sacrifice our human carnal WILL for GOD'S WILL, and remain at it, we become empowered for encountering the supernaturals; we persistently experience only the divine, even on daily basis. Hallelujah ! ( Ephesians 5:17 )
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