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  MEANING OF NAME : Drawn forth or taken out of water. PROFILE OR CHARACTER : historian, orator, leader, statesman, legislator and a patriot. REGRET : Moses could not enter the promised land. JOY : Not only did he successfully bring out the Israelites from Egypt, but he had the privilege to be called, " Friend of God."  STORY IN BRIEF:   MOSES, a son of Jechrobe and Amram, and the last of Aeron and Miriam. Moses was born at the time Pharaoh ordered that all Israelites young males be killed. So her mum had to preserve him till she was ordered to go leave him at the bank of a river. Pharaoh's daughter who later found Moses in a basket on the river, cared for him in their palace through his maturity. God would later call Moses by the burning bush and task him to lead out the Israelites out of Egypt.  Moses did not only achieve that but also successfully brought his followers out through the red sea. Moses was burried by God in Moab, at the summit of Nebo's mountain whe...


    " Keep thy heart with all diligence; For out of it are the issues of life." Proverbs  4:23. KJV. Lot of the things christians are surrounded by today in this world, chiefly the social media, are not helpful. It is the reason why our opening verse suggests that we guard our hearts. Now, the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart. And these spoken words go a long way to shape our lives. It's therefore patent that we can only let out good words when we first stock our hearts with positive information and faith-filled words. The two main gateways to the heart are the eyes and the ears. Now, guarding the heart means preventing negative information from reaching it through these main channels. That means, friends and environments that pose as potential threats to the peace, joy and love in our hearts must be barred.  Disclosed below are a few ways by which we can keep our hearts as we journey through this world. 1. Mind your Mind:   "A good man produces go...




” But solid food is for the [spiritually] mature, whose senses are trained by practice to distinguish between what is morally good and what is evil. “
Heb 5:14 AMP

It’s an emphatic truth that God doesn’t only offer us His direct Voice and Visions. He also speaks and reveals through His creatures – living or inanimate. Yet, we cannot grab the import of these messages without the spiritual ability of perceiving, understanding and discerning them. There’s, therefore, the need for identifying and sharpening each of our five spiritual senses !
( Psa 19:1‭-‬4 )

“He who has an ear, let him hear what The Spirit says to the churches… ” Revelations 2:7.

With this spiritual sense you are able to identify and discern the voice and sounds of God, angels, demonic spirits, and the sounds of activities in the spiritual realm. When your sense of hearing opens, you hear sounds while men hear noise. However, God’s not the only source of these voices; the devil too speaks. So often does the human flesh. Thus, it’s important to learn how to discern each of these voices in order not to be misled. God’s voice is pacifying, scripture-supportive, and faith-filled ! It’s inerted with His very nature such that every spirit-filled believer can easily detect if the voice He or she hears is from God or not. Now, regardless of the physical location of the body at a time, so long as the human Spirit remains in sync with The Lord, we’re bound to hear His Voice ! ( John 10:27 ).

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened… ” Ephesians 1:18.

This spiritual sense enables you to see and discern substance, beings, and activity in the unseen dimension. By it, you’re not only able to see visions but you ably understand revelations from the Truth. When our eyes of understanding ( eyes of the Spirit) open, we capture God’s intentions or plans ( of what He’s about doing ). With these eyes, we don’t only catch Light from His written word, but we also ably comprehend the lessons He teaches us through some life experiences. But how can you see with your spiritual eyes? First sanctify yourself; second, be filled with The Spirit and finally, consciously look out for God’s revelations. But you may not receive in physical realm that which you haven’t first received through revelation so strongly desire for an open eye now !
( 2 Kings 6:17, Jeremiah 1:11, Mark 8:17-18 )

“Taste and see that the LORD is good;…”
Psalm 34:8.

Even as you have a physical sense that enables you to taste things in the physical realm, you also have “spiritual taste buds.” The spiritual world contains substances you can taste. These substances that may be sweet or bitter to our Spirits are not just conditions our Spirits assume. They are also fruits or works of God’s hands that we witness by our Spirit even before they spring up physically. God, a couple of times, said to me personally, ” You’re sweet.” So you see, God also tastes us ! It’s when your Spirit tastes the good, sweet and pleasant presence of God that the praises you offer Him is unending. Though there are men around you, your eyes are now locked on only the Lord because He’s so sweet to your Spirit. And if any good or evil will be happening too you can first taste of it spiritually, and then, prepare for it !
( Job 6:30 )

“… I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God…”
Philippians 4:18 KJV

There are fragrances and odours in the spiritual world; God has created in you the ability to detect and identify them just as Apostle Paul did. In the realms of The Spirit, both good and evil Spirits, smell; spiritual garments, the anointing, our praises and other gifts presented unto The Lord have their own unique smell. And when it pleases God, such spiritual scents are let into our Spirits. Even without seeing, hearing nor tasting, you can smell what’s in your presence by your Spirit. A minister said his only way of detecting the presence of an evil spirit upon a person is by their strong repelling odour. Often times, God let’s me also smell His anointing, and the sweet fragrance of the praises I offer Him in His presence !
( Leviticus 1:9, Song of Songs 4:11 )

” Then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man, and he strengthened me. “
Daniel 10:18 KJV

You are able to feel and discern things spiritually with this sense like Daniel did. When you continue long enough in the Spirit, you can feel the presence of Spirit agents, and experience their touches when they do. These spiritual touches impact us with insights, feelings and impressions. I remember, one time, while seated in an office almost sleeping off my desk, I felt a soft touch, as in the touch by another’s foot. Yet, where the touch came through was a physical wall so I gave it no thought but continued to sleep. Suddenly, I received the touch again. Then, I realised it was the Spirit of The Lord calling me to join my colleagues back in the main office. And this is just one of such several experiences I’ve had in The Lord ! If you go deeper in God, this will be your daily encounters also.
( Hebrews 4:15 )

Beloved, just as the body has five senses, the Human Spirit, also features five parallel senses to see, to hear, to feel, to taste and to smell with. So even more, let’s rely on these spiritual senses to make the most of our walk with The Lord. Hallelujah !
